Registered to a commercial address: 2,405
-Missing or wrong apt number: 323,524
-Invalid address: 346,505
-Used Post Office Physical Address: 240
-Registration occurred on a fed holiday: 315,517
-Moved, left no forwarding address: 27,672
-Permanently moved out of state: 262,488
-Permanently moved to a new county: 169,083 (within Pennsylvania)
Total: 1,420,435
Total 748,000
-Postal Service Invalid Address 11,291
-Missing or wrong APT, Unit No. 67,132
-Door Not Accessible to deliver mail 5,053
-Mailing error codes mail may not arrive 138,843
-Person is no longer at the address 14,307
-Duplicates, same name and address 1,133
-Voter left no forwarding address 16,747
-And more
748,000 Identified Address Issues
Total 432,299
Registered to a Commercial Address: 292
Missing Apartment or Suite no.: 83,027
Permanently moved out of County: 70,039
Permanently moved out of State: 91,264
Moved but left no forwarding address: 28,157
Primary address is not valid: 159,520
Total 432,299
Total 484,363
Invalid address: 53,840
Commercial address: 2,540
Wrong or missing apt. number: 341,930
Door not accessible to mail: 144,990
Receives mail as bulk drop: 106,440
Errors with address: 995,310
Address cannnot be confirmed: 231,238
No secure location to leave mail: 48
U.S. Post Office physical address: 38
Address is vacant of the person: 14,597
Click to see all
TOTAL: 484,363
Total 1,759,656
Commercial Address: 858 0.05%
Door Not Accessible: 10,666 0.60%
Receives mail as bulk drop: 32,737 1.83%
2nd part of address missing: 229,075 12.82%
No match of address per USPS: 357,882 20.02%
Primary No. missing or wrong: 92,411 5.17%
No secure location to leave mail: 755 0.04%
Post Office St. Address: 378 0.02%
Vacant of the person: 72,842 4.08%
Duplicates: 6,356 0.36%
Holiday Registered On: 65,383 3.66%
No Forwarding Address Left: 43,227 2.42%
Permanent Move Out of County: 65,857 3.68% (within MI)
Permanent Moved Out of State: 162,387 9.08%
All moves, need to be checked: 371,553 20.79%
Address Non-residential High rise: 73,935 4.14%
Address Non-residential: 6,313 0.35%
Error Codes, different than others: 141,074 7.89%
Total: 1,759,656
Total 120,907
Undeliverable due to wrong or missing apt number: 13,267
Registered at commercial address: 47,196
Registered to Post Ofc building address: 14
Moved left no forwarding address: 14,486
Permanently moved out of state: 23,614
Permanently moved to new county: 22,330 (within MN)
Total 120,907
The US Postal Service Changes Their directive on how absentee ballots are delivered and processed.
All working together in lock step implementing a CCP & Capital Interests plan known by several names, but most notably described and outlined by Steve Phillips from the League of Revolutionary Struggle to PowerPAC; The New Majority Plan, .
The steal is happening right now.
See @PeterBernegger now, responding to Texas AG Ken Paxton about his press release on Smurfing.
At least 30,724 people are considered by the state of Wisconsin to be ACTIVELY registered voters in Wisconsin who this year requested an absentee ballot for the Nov. 5th election.
Here is what we found….
Not one ballot, multiples such as the 5 delivered to the same home. These 5 voters haven’t lived at this address in over 3 years, two of them don’t even live in Colorado
Stopping absentee mail-in ballots. Georgia lawsuit to date: Attached are the motions to intervene
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger served at home. Common Sense Elections Team Member Funds Georgia Lawsuit. Georgia was found by Common Sense Elections to have some of the worst, most inaccurate voter rolls in the country.
Mail-In Ballots Skyrocket in Price From $25 to $40
In state after state, the team identified from 4% to over 15% of the voter roll with incorrect addresses.
In 2024, this work can be done BEFORE a candidate - of any party - gets smoked.
Running multiple copies of voter rolls, compared one against the other, reveals these discrepancies BEFORE an election, not afterward.
Common Sense Elections is tracking some of the major NGOs and we are going show them here on this site – and tie them to every swing state.
We show homeless shelters with a 100% voting history – everyone there votes, in every election, absentee, for a decade or more.
I have worked with two President’s, celebrities, fortune 500 companies, small businesses, universities, and non-profits. My background is in finance and have worked on wall street several times in varying capacities. I transitioned to the start-up scene, non-profit sector, and found a niche in creating websites, along with driving them and clients large amounts of traffic from across the web. That process is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
In my spare time I enjoy coaching basketball and am an active member of Rotary International.
Total 1,420,435
-Missing or wrong apt number: 323,524
-Invalid address: 346,505
-Dead people who are actively register to vote: 4,155
-Used Post Office Physical Address: 240
-Registration occurred on a fed holiday: 315,517
-Moved, left no forwarding address: 27,672
-Permanently moved out of state: 262,488
-Permanently moved to a new county: 169,083 (within Pennsylvania)
Total: 1,420,435